Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers to typical questions we hear. Still have a question after reading these? Call us today at (720) 529-1570 and we will try to answer your question over the phone.

Can I pay by credit card?

Absolutely. We accept all major credit cards including Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover cards.

Do you charge for diagnosing what’s wrong with my car?

In most cases, no. If additional work is involved in determine the cause of a problem such as having to remove or disassemble parts, we will let you know ahead of time, provide you with an estimate, and get your approval before doing any additional work.

Why should I change my engine oil and filter every 3 months or 3,000 miles?

Engine oil not only loses its lubrication quality or viscosity over time, but it also collects acids and other byproducts of combustion such as water. These substances are enemies of bearings, other metal surfaces, seals and gaskets. Even though oils are continuing to increase in lubrication quality and the timing of replacing your engine oil and filter is based on your specific vehicle, eventually substances in suspension do damage to the internal engine components. Make sure to consult your owners manual for your vehicle’s specific needs. Changing oil and filter on a regular schedule is “good insurance” against the possible damage that can occur.

Why should I have my belts and hoses replaced?

Belts and hoses typically don’t need to be replaced for at least 60,000 miles under normal driving conditions. Replacing worn belts reduces the chance of breakdowns, the chance of damaging other components when they break and ensures that all belt-driven components operate normally. Replacing worn hoses reduces the chance of failure that could cause engine overheating, and allows for testing of the coolant.

Why should I have my cooling system flushed?

It is best to have the cooling system flushed at the intervals recommended by the manufacturer. Having the system flushed once a year is commonly recommended if the vehicle is driven regularly. Coolant breaks down over time, becoming corrosive which can cause premature failure of gaskets and seals. The idea is to replace the coolant before it gets contaminated to avoid costly repairs.

Why should I have my differential and transfer case fluids changed?

It is best to have the differential and transfer case fluids replaced at the intervals recommended by the manufacturer under normal driving conditions. Under severe conditions it may be advisable to have the fluids changed more often. The fluids in these units do become contaminated over time, and during normal use can lose their lubrication qualities.

Why should I have my transmission fluid flushed at regular intervals?

It is best to have the transmission fluid flushed at the intervals recommended by the manufacturer under normal driving conditions. Under severe service it may be advisable to have it flushed more often. Transmission fluid breaks down over time due to the extreme temperatures during operation. The idea is to replace the fluid before it looks dark or smells burned so the transmission can operate at its best. This will prolong the life of the transmission and head off costly repairs and inconvenience for you.